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假期間往外地出差不補假 / 終止合約通知期出任陪審團

by 麥小姐 @, 香港 Hong Kong, Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 21:09 (1100 天前)


Salary would only be released for staff in probation after seven working days.
試用期內工作不足七個工作天, 僱主可以不發薪的嗎?

you will be placed on probation period ranging from three to six months depending on your performance.
這點會否有問題 ? 如工作滿 3 個月, 公司沒有表明試用期已滿, 公司便可以7天通知期終止聘請, 但當僱員提出離職便有機會被要求1個月的通知期

During probation period, staff is not entitled to have a pay Public Holiday (including Saturday) that would be regard as a no pay leave.
另外, 公司的上班時間是星期一至五, 即星期六及星期日不需上班
試用期內明白不能享有有薪公眾假期, 但也要扣星期六不需上班的薪金

The Corporation may require you to work on any Public Holidays. In this event you will be given substitute time-off for the holiday worked except you go for business trip to foreign countries.
於公眾假期在港工作須補回休息假, 但於公眾假期在海外工作不補回休息假,

Termination of Employment
The notice period does not entitle vacation leave, sick leave, jury leave etc. If such leave is taken, it may be to deduct the salaries.
即終止合約通知期內出任陪審團, 會被扣薪


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