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Concerns about employment contract

by Ann, Sunday, October 26, 2014, 11:29 (3464 天前)

I have a few questions about my employment contract.

1) In the contract, it stated that sick pay will be paid in accordance with relevant laws applicable in Hong Kong. However, as far as I know, there is no sick pay in the company. Is it legal to do that? And what is the pay according to the law in HK?

2)The contract stated that there's a staff manual attached, which states the terms and conditions of employment with the company. However, there is no such thing as staff manual in this company. Is the company violating laws?

3)In the terms relating to termination of employment, employee is requires to reimburse a certain amount of money for the training expenses if you want to terminate the contract before its full term. However, if i am still under probation period, am i responsible for this termination payment according to the law?

4) Under the terms of contract, I am required to go to any locations in HK to carry out my duties. However, i was delivered to places that are far away from my living place. Compared to other employees, they got places that are nearer to their living places. Can I treat this as unfair treatment? Is there any law regulating this type of issue?

Thank you!


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