1. 如提問難以用文字描述,請致電下列電話號碼聯絡本會:
深水埗區:2779 7922
旺角區:2781 0983
2. 本會只以「勞聯權益委員會」帳號回應線上勞工法例問題,任何其他私人帳號之回應,本會均概不負責。
3. 網上回應僅供參考,受當事人提供的資訊是否清晰準確而有所影響。
4. 本網查詢眾多,團隊回應需時,敬請耐心等候。緊急查詢請不吝賜電工會,謝謝!


by kylee @, Saturday, November 30, 2019, 00:14 (1607 天前)

公司合約如下:You will receive the double pay at the end of each calendar year. The amount is equivalent to your average monthly basic salary of the year provided that you have completed a full calendar year of service. If you join the bank during the year, you will received the amount proportionate to your period of service for the year. If your employment is terminated before 31 December due to resignation or your summarily dismissed, you will not be entitled the double pay.



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