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last day

by candy @, Monday, June 30, 2014, 15:57 (3587 天前)

我6月27日遞信, 信上寫"I hereby give a one-month notice of my intention to leave XXX Company with last day of work on 25 July 2014 as per the responsibilities under the terms of my employment contract."
我可以拿到7月26, 27日(星期六日)的薪金嗎?

last day

by 勞聯權益委員會 ⌂, Monday, June 30, 2014, 20:28 (3587 天前) @ candy

我6月27日遞信, 信上寫"I hereby give a one-month notice of my intention to leave XXX Company with last day of work on 25 July 2014 as per the responsibilities under the terms of my employment contract."
我可以拿到7月26, 27日(星期六日)的薪金嗎?

多謝閣下的查詢,閣下在信中寫明7月25日是最後工作日,7月26, 27日當然是沒有薪金。因此閣下想7月26, 27日有薪,閣下的最後工作日必須是7月27日。如有其他查詢,可致電:27793766高先生/蔡先生

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