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Resign during maternity leave

by PuzzleMum @, Monday, April 06, 2020, 17:02 (1473 天前)

I am now in maternity leave and the last date of my maternity leave will be on May 13. I decided not to back work after my maternity leave.

1-month notice is required according to my contract and I am planning to tender my resignation on April 14. Can I use my maternity leave as part of the notice period?

Resign during maternity leave

by 勞聯權益委員會 ⌂, Monday, April 06, 2020, 17:15 (1473 天前) @ PuzzleMum

Thank you for your question. The answer is no and a resounding no. Please read the following paragraph from Employment Ordinance.

6.Termination of contract by notice
(2B)The period of maternity leave to which a female employee is entitled under section 12 shall not be included under subsection (2) in the length of notice required to terminate a contract of employment. (Added 55 of 1987 s. 2)

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